White Mountain Oil & Propane is well known for our famous "Open House and Bratwurst Broil" held every June at our North Main Street, North Conway store.

We had held various open houses and cookouts over the history of the company but have produced the "Bratwurst Broil" for 38 consecutive years on a Friday in June.
Our planned events for 2020, 2021 and 2022 were all postponed for various reasons including Covid-19 but we were excited to be able to host this fun event once again in 2023.
Our 40th Open House and Bratwurst Broil is planned for June 14th, 2024 and we are hoping to experience (our usual) very little rain that day. Ordinarily our open House is from 10:00-4:00 with the grills going from 11:00-2:00 pm only. There are usually door prizes and other giveaways!
Before the Bratwurst Broil, White Mountain Oil hosted many other events.
Members of the community are shown enjoying an early open house at our Main Street, North Conway showroom, which included a cake baking contest.